‘ Mirror, Mirror ’ Ending, Explained What Happens To Alvaro, Alberto, Cristine, And Paula’s Reflections?

Every formerly in a while, we come across a representation of the mortal condition that's so simple yet significant that it astounds us as to how much further there's to explore within the content. There's a commodity to be said about how just simple sapience is much more significant to a story than oodles and oodles of VFX, manhood, and gratuitous theatrics. “ Mirror, Mirror ”( or “ Espejo, Espejo ” in Spanish) primarily follows four individualities — Alvaro, Alberto, Christine, and Paula as they battle with their inner voices, represented through their reflections in the glass. We wouldn’t call the movie complex, but it's concentrated. Let us dive into how this unfolds on screen. 

Spoilers Ahead

The promoter Struggles With Their Inner Characters 

It's frequently said that our first instinct is what we've been conditioned to do, and the second is who we are. That's the base of the movie and is equal corridor woeful and liberating because when it comes together with the aphorism “ Be free, be you, ” is it going to be a good thing? “ Mirror, Mirror ” starts with a hassle between Alvaro and another woman who works in his office. After they spend the night together, as they're assessing themselves in their sequestration, the woman thinks about how she didn't like the experience, but Alvaro is induced that she might just fall in love with him. The coming scene cuts to Paula making a videotape for her company’s 50th anniversary, in which she has included members from her office and given it an inclusive look. Her family, Cristine, cautions her that it might not go down too well with the company heads of “ Medina Cosmetics, ” but Paula ignores her. Cristine’s inner voice is that of caution but also cheering for her place in life. When she wonders whether she should go to her therapist again, her voice tells her that she's impeccably fine. This is also a representation of what stops a lot of people from seeking help because there's nothing visibly wrong. Paula, on the other hand, has an inner voice that tells her that she can do no wrong and anybody who contradicts her is either jealous or just bitter. 

 On a coming day, as anticipated, Alvaro isn't fond of the videotape and asks Paula to take it down incontinently. That dislocations her enough to start crying. One of the office people, Alberto, who's also featured in the videotape, tries to console her. He has a secret crush on her and is generally a demure person whom everybody seems to take advantage of. His inner voice is that of a largely critical person who keeps telling him that he's not good enough. Back to the videotape despite Alvaro’s rejection, he receives word from his master Ernesto that the President of the company has liked it a lot and wants them to come up with a strategy to back it up. Alvaro is at a complete loss and asks Paula what he can do for his donation. This is presumably the moment he starts breaking down. His inner voice is tired of him always talking about himself and hates that all they do is talk about him. This is a representation of the expression “ too full of himself. ” Alvaro’s nature forces his reflection to just quit him, as in, he's left without a reflection. With that goes his sense of tone- significance that he has stuffed himself up with for times. At the meeting with the President, he was unfit to present the strategy duly. Ernesto prompts Paula to take over, and she's an instant success with the board. 

 Alvaro struggles with the loss of his reflection when he runs into Alberto. Seeing the possibility, he asks his reflection to leave. A result is a person who thinks he owns the world. He's not demure presently, but he's just as unendurable. He invites the receptionist, Antonia, to the office party but neglects to be there to admit her. Antonia has the inner voice that constantly tells her to burn everything down and reminds her of the pleasure of doing so. She says it reminds her of when she burned a parakeet and three cravens and loved that smell. But Antonia pushes down the voice. When Alberto invites her to the party, it's a palm for her as it proves that her inner voice was awry each one, and the people are good. Meanwhile, Cristine is going through struggles of her own. Her reflection has been replaced by that of “ Cristian, ” and he wants Cristina to hear from him. This is who she really is, who she has always been, but she has pushed it down for way too long. When she goes back to her therapist after four times, she's frenetic at her for cutting suddenly their visits this way and refuses to treat her. As Cristine struggles more and more with her identity, she finds her way to a dress shop to buy commodities for the party. There, Cristian is successfully subdued, but her reflection doesn’t feel as reassuring as ahead. She demanded that to cover her in her nonage, but the consequence of faking a taradiddle for so long was depression. She makes her way to the hairstylist and finds that there's a party in full swing. With sufficient alcohol in her, she strikes up a discussion, she strikes up a discussion with one of the workers there — Pol — and asks him to cut her hair just like him. On the other hand, Alvaro is having a breakdown of his own. His belief in him being stylish comes from his mama. She has placed him on a pedestal his whole life, which has made him veritably perfunctory with his mediocrity without ever defying it. Accepting that he's not that great after all is the moment when his world crumbles around him, and he doesn’t know who he's present. 

 At the office party, Paula gives her speech, and Alvaro takes a backseat. Cristine shows up fully drunk but in her true tone. She's wearing binders, has cut her hair veritably suddenly, and is calling herself Cristian now. Alberto starts singing a love song, which he dedicates to Paula and tries to kiss her, but she says no. Amidst it all, Antonia, having been denied entry to the party, is done with being ignored and unnoticeable and sets fire to the room. As the people are escaping, Paula and Antonia’s eyes meet, and she whispers, “ Be free, be you. It's as if she has cast a spell because the images of our protagonists get distorted.

‘ Mirror, Mirror ’ Ending Explained What Happens To Alvaro, Alberto, Cristine, And Paula’s Reflections? 

The reflections take over the characters. Let us start with Paula. She's being offered a position by the company, and she recommends the financial strategy of ever- to integrate the theme of “ freedom of expression ” to vend their makeup without making any real change. She gets the job. Let’s take an alternate to understand Paula. She has no way had her father’s blessing, and she was always told that she was “ lazy ” like her mama. We don’t have an important backstory about that, but it looks like the very thing that kept Cristine from being who she truly is, is what made Paula develop a god complex. She truly believes that she's better than everyone differently because she believes that there's beauty in every person. But she doesn’t believe in it, as was apparent by her trying to unnecessarily tell Maria Carmen that she was beautiful. That harangue was cringe as hell and wisecracked nothing except Alberto, who just wanted his crush’s blessing. Starved for acceptance from her parents, Paula made it her entire personality to be as accepting of everyone as possible — a good idea but with the wrong intention, which just pushed people further down from the real discussion. Her inner voice, however, was under no similar visions. She knew what the reality of Cristine was and brought it to the fore. 

For Alvaro and Cristine, letting their reflections take over was the stylish thing to be to them. Cristine can eventually be who she wants to be, one step at a time. Alvaro needs to find out who he's as a person, and he has to start the trip from scrape. Alberto, still, has turned down his reflection. He's the only one that looks down on him in the end. His was the only reflection that abominated him. Alberto has noway liked himself but has always wanted to be at the top of the world. He has no use for the pushover side of himself. thus, when his reflection takes over, he buries that part of himself by turning down it. As the camera zooms out, the screen turns dark with just the people and their reflections visible. This could be representative of the fear and query felt by the characters right before they start their lives as their authentic characters. 

Final studies What workshop For ‘ Mirror, Mirror ’ Film? 

“ Mirror, glass ” is one of the further intelligent pictures we've seen in recent times. Richard Bach formerly said that when we look in the glass, what we see isn't who we are. The makers understood the assignment. The movie doesn't waste time at each and cleverly blends irony into its narrative. It’s not a feat that's fluently fulfilled, but this does it with finesse. It’s just a matter of consideration that occasionally, between the people we detest and those we love, the former might be the better of the lot. We love “ Mirror, Mirror, ” and it deserves a lot of further hype than it's getting right now. All our musketeers are going to be badgered into watching it while we supplicate that our film assiduity closer to home takes notes. We look forward to furthering similar pictures and hope that they keep them coming every time we can’t make up our minds about what to watch on Netflix. 

 “ Mirror, Mirror ”( or “ Espejo, Espejo ”) is a 2022 Drama Comedy film directed by Marc Crehuet. 

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